VoidForm’s Canadian Systems are specifically designed for the unique soil conditions of the northern regions of North America. With corrugated paper and plastic void form and utility isolation product lines, mitigating the risk from frost heave and other damaging soil has never been faster or simpler to solve.

System and Components
CaraCor™, the wax-coated corrugated paper void product line, our StormVoid® plastic-based void system, and PlumbingVoid®, the easy-to-install utility isolation system, protect concrete structures in Canada. Other system components include cover boards, vapor barriers, and backfill retainers.

Why Specify VoidForm
Where Needed, When Needed
Projects throughout Canada are serviced through our Winnipeg location. Five additional locations provide national coverage in the U.S.
Affordable Product Lines
CaraCor is partially machine-made and offered in specific strengths and sizes for a cost-effective solution for your project.
Risk Mitigation
Variable soil and weather conditions may cause heaving or collapsing effects. Specifying void forms eliminates some unknowns and mitigates risk.
Every Project Type, Every Soil Condition
VoidForm products have been installed on commercial, industrial, municipal, and residential projects.
System Components
Paper-Based Void Forms
CaraCor Slab
Made from a wax-coated exterior cover and interior support network made of corrugated paper elements. Standard sizes include 36″ (91.4cm) wide by 96″ (243.8cm) long, in six different heights: 2″ (5cm), 3″ (7.6cm), 4″ (10cm), 6″ (15cm), 8″ (20cm), and 12″ (30.5cm). Custom heights are also available.
CaraCor Beam
Designed to support grade beam and wall loads during concrete placement, CaraCor Beam come in a variety of heights, and widths with a standard 48″ (122cm) length. The concrete height determines the inner cellular strength required for each project.
CaraCor Pier
Made from CaraCor Beam products, CaraCor Pier is a pre-manufactured, non-field-cut, sealed corrugated carton void form that fits the pier diameter. The radial edge is vertically supported and reinforced to impede concrete flow into the void form interior at the pier.
CaraCor VSV
Separate freshly placed concrete walls from existing vertical structures, where minimal space prohibits conventional forming. CaraCor VSV is a vertical corrugated paper form that is available in 24″ (61cm) width x 48″ (122cm) length x 2″ (5cm) depth standard size. Custom sizes available.
Used in slab applications and available in a knockdown (KD) configuration, FloorVoid is held together by a unique, slotted design instead of glue or staples for cost-effective shipping and easy on-site assembly. FloorVoid comes in a wide range of heights and widths. Strength is determined by the height of the concrete.
Used in wall and grade beam applications and available in a knockdown (KD) configuration, BeamVoid is held together by a unique, slotted design instead of glue or staples for cost-effective shipping and easy on-site assembly. BeamVoid comes in a wide range of heights and widths. Strength is determined by the height of the concrete.
Plastic-Based Void Forms
StormVoid Slab
Placed under structural slabs from 6″ (15cm) to 60″ (152cm) thick, StormVoid Slab’s wax coated carton wrap degrades with persistent moisture leaving the copolymer polypropylene plastic cellular structure for soil in which to migrate.
StormVoid Pier
Made from StormVoid Beam components StormVoid Pier is a pre-manufactured, non-field-cut, sealed corrugated carton void form that fits the pier diameter.

StormVoid Beam
Placed under vertical walls and beams, typically 2′ (61cm) to 10′ (3m) tall, StormVoid Beam’s cell structure and PPC materials support the weight of wet concrete until curing is complete.
Soil Retainers & Protectors

BackFill Retainer
Prevent backfill soil from displacing the void space under grade beams and slab edges. The polypropylene copolymer plastic BackFill Retainer is available in a wide range of sizes and strengths.

Cover Boards
Cover Boards provide protection against point-load punctures which could allow liquid concrete to inadvertently seep into the void space.
SureCover Boards™ come in a range of weights for light, medium, moderate and standard protection of the void form surface.
StormCover Sheet™ is 5mm weatherproof protection for underlying void forms.
Plywood may be used in extreme circumstances and is available upon request.

SureRetainers are lightweight HDPE plastic and are ideal for void spaces less than 16″ tall.
Need More Information?
Looking for other product lines? Contact our Canadian Product advisors for availability.